Friday, December 18, 2009

Time Sensitive

I have been trying, all morning to get through to the three Senators who are, as it appears, our only hope of stopping the madness. Nelson is the #1 best chance. All the phone lines are jammed or the voice mail boxes are full. Here is the Congressional switchboard number from where you can request to be transferred to the respective Senator. (202-224-3121)
It's jammed too. KEEP Trying!

I also sent an email to Senators Ben Nelson, Olympia "Snowjob" and "Blanched" Lincoln. Feel free to copy my appeal and send it as your own. I encourage you to do so. Below is the text of my letter.

I have tried to make it simple for you by inserting hyperlinks above. First copy the text below and then click on the the respective Demagogue above.
Thank You, for standing on the side of Liberty!!!


As a citizen of this country I am one of your constituents on matters of national scope. Therefore, I wish to respectfully plead with you today, to stand in opposition to this health care bill.

I think there are many good ideas that could go a long way toward addressing the shortcomings of our free market health insurance system, however any overt or covert government takeover is not an option in my opinion. Abortion funding, rationing, illegal aliens, higher taxes, and many other components of the current proposals are also non-starters.

The Republicans have been forced by Democrats, to seriously address this issue and therefore I believe that good things can be accomplished in the future on this issue.
For now, the water is completely poisoned. Republicans, and the American people whom they represent, are being excluded from the process. Obama, Reid and Pelosi are strong-arming this issue, as they have everything else, in a way that demonstrates they care more about speed than substance.

Kill the bill for now. When the pressure from our Car Salesman-In-Chief subsides, perhaps then both sides can actually work together in a way that should be driven by prudent judgment, as opposed to ideological dogma or political strategery.
Thank You

Ben Nelson caved in, after being bribed. His state will never again have to pay it's portion of Medicare. Other states, however, will simply make up the difference for Nebraska. What an outrage! Where are this man's principles? Here is my letter rebuking the weasel.

Senator Nelson,
Are you, like many liberals, blinded by the misguided ideology of an earthly utopia and hope that passage of this “Massive Empowerment of the Federal Government Bill” will move that fantasy forward?
I’m not sure.

Is it possible that you really believe that this thing will do what it proposes to do with regard to providing more and better coverage to more people for less money and somehow, contrary to all historical evidence, be miraculously managed efficiently by an unaccountable federal bureaucracy?
I doubt it.

Maybe you are just very clever and know something that we don’t. That being that there is no way the final bill can get 51 votes, so you are willing to gamble on that as your ace in the hole.
Yeah, right.

I don’t believe any of these scenarios are the case, however I invite you to respond to this letter and give me a good reason that would justify voting in favor of this disaster. No Form Letters, no Demagoguery, no spin or talking points. I am not a drone, and therefore, I have no patience for that crap. I would be curious to know, your own words, what YOU really believe.

Here’s what I think. I think you might be the kind of person who likes to be in the spotlight. I think you could be the kind of individual that would screw over someone else or the rest of the country to get something for your state, your party or yourself. Or, perhaps you may just be so spineless that you would not take a stand for what you believe in, once confronted by intimidation from an outgoing majority leader or Fascist-in-Chief.

If my assertions are correct, how can you look at yourself in the mirror? For what good is it for a man to gain the world but lose his soul? In the end, integrity is what defines our legacy.

I must say that you have previously made some good and courageous choices in your career as Governor and as Senator. However, at one of the most pivotal moments in the history of our society, you have failed the citizens of this great republic. In one single vote you have made the transition from Statesmen to politician.
You have my condolences.

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