Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ver A Través De Obama (Seeing Through Obama)
Article IV Section 4 of our U.S. Constitution obligates the Federal Government to protect our borders from foreign invasion. For reasons that can only be explained as political expediency, our elected representatives in Washington D.C. have refused to fulfill this sworn duty in any meaningful way. Therefore, Arizona recently passed a State Law that, in language that virtually mirrors the unenforced federal laws, allows the State to enforce their national boundary with Mexico on their own accord.
The President of the United States and his supporters are outraged. They have trotted out every attack dog and every race-baiting scenario they could come up with to demonize Arizona for their audacious attempt at self-preservation. This is the same class warfare/populous tactic that has been used by this president (and other dictators) in the past to gain power and control. First he rallied us against Wall Street, then it was those filthy rich CEO's then those evil big insurance companies. Now Obama wants AMNESTY for illegal aliens. Arizona, in doing the right thing to protect itself, has played itself perfectly into the Obama/Saul Alinsky plan and will likely be the propaganda catalyst for an immigration bill in the near future that will promote the destruction of our society, but in the short term will insure a whole new block of Democratic votes and in effect, Democratic Party Rule for decades to come.
Don't be fooled by the political rhetoric Obama and his minions are using against the State of Arizona. The focus of any conversation should be what a serious matter of Economic and National Security we are dealing with. Especially after 9/11. Playing politics with this issue is highly disgraceful.
Click (HERE) to see Obama ridicule Arizona.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Thanks Mike
I decided I would be more creative without the gurgling distractions coming from my gut. There is a Dairy Queen about a block away so, I took a shower, got dressed and left my motel room to pursue lunch and collect my thoughts.
As I’m walking down the sidewalk getting ready to pass the bank, about a dozen or so employees came running out and gathered along front of the parking lot facing the main road through town. They all had huge smiles on their faces and were laughing despite the bitter cold. One of them was carrying a full sized American Flag. Each of the others was holding a smaller American Flag in one hand and a piece of paper with a large single letter on it in the other hand. They all scrambled to get into their respective order as I stopped in front of them to see what was going on. After a couple of initial misspellings, they finally lined up in the proper order so that their letters formed the words “THANKS MIKE”.
When I asked what this was all about, one of the ladies told me that Mike was coming home from Afghanistan. Another one asked me if I was Mike. Apparently, they didn’t even know him.
I looked down the street and saw numerous fire trucks and police cars lining up with a bunch of pick-up trucks and automobiles behind them. Just then a truck pulling a hay-wagon came by with a huge tarp stretched across a wooden frame. In large letters on the tarp were the words “Welcome Home Mike”

I got a lump in my throat as I heard the sirens begin and the convoy of emergency vehicles started to move down the street. I stood there silent as they passed by me. Immediately behind the Fire Trucks was a red Ford pick-up with a man in Camo behind the wheel. As the truck started past me I saluted with my right hand. When the driver made eye contact with me, I held my left thumb in the air. In the seat next to him was a pretty young lady with a beaming smile. She looked so happy to have her man back.
I was captured by the emotion of the moment. I stood there giving thanks to God for not only for his safe return, but for the courage he had to serve our Country in the first place. As the tears began to stream out from under my sunglasses, I just became overwhelmed with a sense of pride and gratitude. I felt proud and inspired not only because of Mike and our other soldiers, but also because of the total strangers who took a minute of their day to honor him.
It’s impossible to express how much I was moved by all of this. Five minutes before, I was walking down the street thinking of how depressing our current political situation is. Five minute afterwards, I was having my lunch, still teary-eyed, filled with hope knowing that there are plenty of great Americans out there and that we shall overcome.
Thanks Mike. May God bless you, because you were my blessing today!
True Conservative for Illinois
We need a true Reagan Conservative. Patrick J. Hughes fits that bill.
Lets get out and vote for him in the primary election on February 2, 2010.
Click HERE to listen to Patrick Hughes on the Laura Ingraham Show. (It may take a minute to load)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Hitting A Grand Slam
Watch and listen to Scott slam one out of the park when asked a completely biased question from the (neutral?) debate host David Gergen. I LOVE IT!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
(John 3:19-20)NKJ
Friday, December 18, 2009
Time Sensitive
It's jammed too. KEEP Trying!
I also sent an email to Senators Ben Nelson, Olympia "Snowjob" and "Blanched" Lincoln. Feel free to copy my appeal and send it as your own. I encourage you to do so. Below is the text of my letter.
I have tried to make it simple for you by inserting hyperlinks above. First copy the text below and then click on the the respective Demagogue above.
Thank You, for standing on the side of Liberty!!!
As a citizen of this country I am one of your constituents on matters of national scope. Therefore, I wish to respectfully plead with you today, to stand in opposition to this health care bill.
I think there are many good ideas that could go a long way toward addressing the shortcomings of our free market health insurance system, however any overt or covert government takeover is not an option in my opinion. Abortion funding, rationing, illegal aliens, higher taxes, and many other components of the current proposals are also non-starters.
The Republicans have been forced by Democrats, to seriously address this issue and therefore I believe that good things can be accomplished in the future on this issue.
For now, the water is completely poisoned. Republicans, and the American people whom they represent, are being excluded from the process. Obama, Reid and Pelosi are strong-arming this issue, as they have everything else, in a way that demonstrates they care more about speed than substance.
Kill the bill for now. When the pressure from our Car Salesman-In-Chief subsides, perhaps then both sides can actually work together in a way that should be driven by prudent judgment, as opposed to ideological dogma or political strategery.
Thank You
Ben Nelson caved in, after being bribed. His state will never again have to pay it's portion of Medicare. Other states, however, will simply make up the difference for Nebraska. What an outrage! Where are this man's principles? Here is my letter rebuking the weasel.
Senator Nelson,
Are you, like many liberals, blinded by the misguided ideology of an earthly utopia and hope that passage of this “Massive Empowerment of the Federal Government Bill” will move that fantasy forward?
I’m not sure.
Is it possible that you really believe that this thing will do what it proposes to do with regard to providing more and better coverage to more people for less money and somehow, contrary to all historical evidence, be miraculously managed efficiently by an unaccountable federal bureaucracy?
I doubt it.
Maybe you are just very clever and know something that we don’t. That being that there is no way the final bill can get 51 votes, so you are willing to gamble on that as your ace in the hole.
Yeah, right.
I don’t believe any of these scenarios are the case, however I invite you to respond to this letter and give me a good reason that would justify voting in favor of this disaster. No Form Letters, no Demagoguery, no spin or talking points. I am not a drone, and therefore, I have no patience for that crap. I would be curious to know, your own words, what YOU really believe.
Here’s what I think. I think you might be the kind of person who likes to be in the spotlight. I think you could be the kind of individual that would screw over someone else or the rest of the country to get something for your state, your party or yourself. Or, perhaps you may just be so spineless that you would not take a stand for what you believe in, once confronted by intimidation from an outgoing majority leader or Fascist-in-Chief.
If my assertions are correct, how can you look at yourself in the mirror? For what good is it for a man to gain the world but lose his soul? In the end, integrity is what defines our legacy.
I must say that you have previously made some good and courageous choices in your career as Governor and as Senator. However, at one of the most pivotal moments in the history of our society, you have failed the citizens of this great republic. In one single vote you have made the transition from Statesmen to politician.
You have my condolences.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Terrible Parable
As we were standing in line to pay our admission fee, we were very excited. We found ourselves discussing where we would head first. My daughter Cindy was bouncing up and down thinking about the foot long corndogs. My wife Kathy remembers how savory the pulled pork barbeque sandwiches were last year and had been talking about them all morning. Jimmy, my son, was looking forward to getting his mouth around one of those delicious bratwursts and I would take this rare opportunity to get a big fat gyro, piled high with whatever secret meat that is, and dripping with cucumber sauce, I might add. One thing we knew for sure. Even if we didn’t ride a single ride that day, or see any state champion livestock, and even if we didn’t get to the grandstand to see Martina McBride, we would be going home satisfied because we always had.
As we got to the gate, we were shocked to find that the price of admission had gone from $5.00 per person last year to $20.00 per person this year. When the gate attendant (Barbara) saw the look on my face she apologetically explained that, this year the food is complimentary. Still, that price seemed a little much until she also explained that the state has bussed in under privileged kids from around the state, most of whom have never had the opportunity to come to the fair before. While that definitely shed some light on the reason for the change, I’m not really sure I’m too happy about the situation.
So upon getting through the gate, we went about the urgent business of trying to find those specialty vendors we have been salivating about. I was thinking to myself, it’s a good thing the food is free because, at this point, I’m considerably lighter in the wallet, if you get my drift. The first vendor we came to was only serving soyburgers, so we keep plowing our way through the larger than normal crowd. Next we find another “Soyburger Barn”, and like the first one, they were very busy. Finally, we had found our way to “Pete’s Pulled-Pork and Bar-B-Q Review.”
“There he is,” shouted my wife. “There’s the guy we got that barbeque from last year.”
As we got closer we realized there weren’t many people around his hut. Right away, I noticed the sign that read “PULLED PORK SANDWICHES $4.00”. I walked right up to the window and told him that we understood the food was free this year as it was included in the admission price. His expression was one of deep resentful frustration, as he explained that, unfortunately, only the soyburger joints were being subsidized with the increased revenues. The only free food being offerred were soyburgers.
“You must be kidding me,” I said. “When they told us the food was complimentary, they didn’t say only certain food. I wouldn’t have spent all our money to get in, had I understood that. Furthermore, I think Barbara deliberately mislead us!”
“Does this mean I can’t have a corn dog Daddy?” cried Cindy.
“What about the Brats?” asked Jimmy.
I got a lump in my throat as I looked at their disappointed faces. “I’m really sorry kids. I really am. I honestly had no idea. If we come back next year, we’ll bring more money, OK?”
Pulled Pork Pete chimed in, “Won’t much matter. I won’t be here next year and neither will most of the other vendors. When the game is fixed how are we supposed to compete?”
Hungry, extremely disappointed, and with a lot less money money in my pocket, We decided to leave.
As we made our way through the massive crowd on our way back to our car, we couldn’t help complaining to one another. We just found it hard to believe that something we had such fond memories of had become something so awful. It happened so suddenly too.
We got to our car and as we pulled away I was looking back and saw the sign. It had been changed from “THE STATE FAIR” and now it read “THE STATIST FAIR”.
The situations and characters in this story are entirely fictitious. However, this story is a parable designed to point out the flaws in a centralized government-run healthcare system. While it sounds compassionate in principle, it will comes at a very high cost to our Liberty and ultimately will only cater to the lowest common denominator. But this is what we get when we elect politicians who think Big Government makes everything better. This is called Statism and it manifests itself in many forms such as Communism, Socialism and Marxism among others. The destruction and attacks on free market capitalism we are now seeing from our government should be a wake-up call for all of us. The more government we have, the less freedom we have, the fewer choices we have. Furthermore, we are then left without peaceful recourse.